I don’t consider these summaries but focus points. The earlier books: Genesis, Exodus
- Lev1 A spotless sacrifice would substitute its life in order to make atonement for the sinner (Lev1/Jn1:29/1Pet1:19)
- Lev2 The grain offering is the offering of my life (Lev2/Rom12)
- Lev3 Peace between the Just God and sinful man requires a sacrifice (Lev3). He came (Col1:20). We can rejoice.
- Lev4 Even “little” sins have consequences (Lev4/Jas2:10)
- Lev5 Sin makes me unclean and guilty. There must be a sacrifice (Lev5/Rom6:23)
- Lev6-7 The worship of God was to be kept holy, for He is holy (Lev6-7/John2:15)
- Lev8 The work of the priest is a bloody work (Lev8/Eph2:13)
- Lev9 The first high priest offered an offering for his sin, the great High Priest offered himself for my sin (Lev9/Eph5:2)
- Lev10 No matter who you are or what you do you still are subordinate to God (Lev10;Mark7)
- Lev11 You will be separate in every area for you are the people of the Holy God (Lev11; 1Pet1:16)
- Lev12 I was a sinner from the beginning (Lev12;Ps51:5) because sin was in all men (Rom5:12)
- Lev13-14 Leprosy meant no would ever touch you again…unless you met Jesus (Lev13-14;Matt8)
- Lev15 Godliness is not merely doing “good works.” I must be made clean (Lev15;Is64:6;2Pet1:9)
- Lev16 You shall be clean before the Lord from all your sins (Lev16;Ps 51:2;Eph5:26)
- Lev17 The life is in the blood (Lev17/1Pet1:18-19)
- Lev18 True sexual liberty is finding fulfillment within the bounds of God’s plan, and therefore he himself (Lev18;Jn4)
- Lev19 A holy Lord is showcased to a sinful world by a wholly set apart people (Lev19;Jas2;1Pet2:9ff)
- Lev20 The penalty for murders, sexually immoral and perverted, and idolaters is the same in the OT and NT-Death. But Jesus already paid (Lev20;1Cor6)
- Lev21 Not only must the offering be perfect, but so must the priest who offers it (Lev21/Heb7:26-28)
- Lev22 Something clean is made unclean when the two touch, unless it is Jesus (Lev22/Mark5:25ff)
- Lev23 Rejoice! Do no work. For the LORD has made you, rescued you, and provided for you (Lev23/Jn9/1Cor11:26/Rev19)
- Lev24 Two men died for blasphemy. One because he wrongly cursed God, one because he rightly said he was God (Lev24/Matt26:65)
- Lev25 One day both the land and its inhabitants will have rest. Don’t miss it by unbelief (Lev25/Heb4)
- Lev26 Walk in my paths and you will have peace. Reject my paths and you will have misery (Lev26/Ps25/Matt11:30)
- Lev27 Giving, as an act of worship, takes what is the Lord’s and puts it into his service (Lev27/2Cor8)