Judges in 21: Thoughts on the seventh book of the Bible


I don’t consider these summaries but focus points. The earlier books: GenesisExodus,LeviticusNumbersDeuteronomy, Joshua.

  • Judg1: When God commands and provides for obedience, our options are defeat or be defeated (Judg1/Gen4/Phil2:12-13)
  • Judg2: The downward spiral of sin and rebellion can only be stopped by the gracious hand of God (Judg2/Ps51/Eph4:17ff)
  • Judg3: The cry of God’s people from oppression is answered by a deliverer (Judg3/Exod2-3/Jas5/Rev6)
  • Judg4: The rescuer rarely comes from the direction you are looking (Judg4/John7:41/Rev19:11)
  • Judg5: The LORD will crush his enemies (Judg5/Ps75/Rev14)
  • Judg6: Strength does not come from within you, but from the One with you (Judg6/Isa41:10/Josh1:5/Heb13:5)
  • Judg7: When there is victory, it is because the LORD included us in his plans, not because we included him in ours (Judg7/Luke10:1-24/Acts13:48-49)
  • Judg8: No matter what our physical oppression, that which shackles our soul runs deeper and enslaves longer (Judg8/Rom5-6)
  • Judg9: We all await the coming of the True King (Judg9/Ps110/John18:33ff/Rev17)
  • Judg10: False gods readily receive worship but never come to the rescue (Judg10/Jer10/Luke18:18ff/Col3:5ff)
  • Judg11: The LORD is the Judge. Be careful what you do and say (Judg11/Isa33:22/John5)
  • Judg12: Every leader has an expiration date. Only One defeated his (Judg12/Ps90/John20/Rev1)
  • Judg13: The LORD is the worker of wonders, rescuing with unlikely individuals (Judg13/Isa53/1Cor1:18ff)
  • Judg14-16: Broken men in their life and death point to the Breaker of Death and Giver of Life (Judg14-16/1Cor15:54-57)
  • Judg17-18: In a spiritual desert every mirage fools you into believing it will satisfy your thirst (Judg17-18/Ps115:1-8/Jer2:1-13)
  • Judg19-20: Sin, abuse, war, and death follow in the wake of a nation who has rejected the true King (Judg19-20/Ps47:8/1Tim6:15-16/Rev15:3)
  • Judg21: Doing what is right in my own eyes, or “following my heart,” only leads to sin, pain, and eventually death (Judg21/Eph2:1-3/Rom3)