The past nine days have opened our eyes to Baptist Mid-Missions. Early Thursday morning we drove to Minneapolis, boarded a plane and flew to Cleveland, Ohio. We immediately joined the BMM Annual Conference, reuniting with missionary friends from around the world. At the evening service Crystal and I, along with 21 others, were presented as the candidate class of 2014. That evening was a brief, yet significant introduction to the family of missionaries around the world.
Friday morning we began our official seminars and interviews.
Generally, we met in the home office from 8 am until 6:30 pm. Occasionally we were out a little early to eat dinner with our field administer or for some other reason. Throughout the day we had classes on taxes, insurance, evacuations, field presentations, legal paperwork, child protection policies, history of BMM, resolving interpersonal conflict, media presentations, raising children as MKs, maintaining spiritual health, evading land mines in ministry, and many other topics.The week ended with an appointment service where BMM recognizes each candidate as a member of BMM, and promises, as a service to our commissioning local church, to serve us and our church in the daily needs in the ministry.
The past nine days have spiritually challenged us, physically drained us, emotionally stirred us, and spiritually enriched us. We thank God for the work of the home office of BMM in supporting, encouraging, challenging, and directing missionaries around the world for the glory of God in the spread of the Gospel.