Death By Living by N. D. Wilson

Book: Wilson, N. D. Death by Living Life Is Meant to Be Spent. Thomas Nelson Inc, 2013. 

Point: Life, like the food in your pantry, will spoil if you try to hoard it away instead of using it.

Path: This is not a “3 Steps to Your Best Life Now” or “Everyday A Friday” piece of trash. Wilson, through poetic eyes and hard words opens the eyes of the reader. He weaves ancestors’ stories with family adventures and ancient wisdom as he connects his small story with the Great story swinging through unfathomable space.

The chapters were written, not as a list of things to make your life better, but as small glimpses into a narrative which both you and I are part of, being told by an Infinite God. They are meant to (and actually accomplish!) make you weep, and struggle, and laugh, and fight as you see the bigger picture in the grace of God.

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Sources: Stories, Scripture, honesty, and a godly heritage.

Agreement: I have found that reading Wilson’s books (both fiction, and non-fiction) help to open my eyes to wonder which I have never seen before. Often times I come to tears, or feel the weight of a truth, or have to simply stop and ponder. After reading, I don’t have a list of things I need to accomplish, I have a burden inside to truly live.

As a new father, I would recommend this to anyone with a little person even remotely connected to them. Help them to see and live!


Personal App: Am I spending my life, or attempting to hoard it away?

Favorite Quote: There were so many. I literally highlighted whole paragraphs and sections. Here is one:

“There is a school of American thought that suggests we are supposed to live furiously and foolishly when young, slave away pointlessly when adults, and then coast into low-impact activity as soon as financially possible. Isn’t that just a kiss on the lips (from a dog). The truth is that a life well lived is always lived on a rising scale of difficulty.”

Stars: 5 out of 5

It would be well worth another read and I would recommend it. Read it.

If this review was helpful, let me know here.

This is a top shelf book.

I received this book through and did not have to give a positive review.

Bear Baiter’s Manual by Bernie Barringer

Bear Baiter’s Manual: Innovative Black Bear Hunting Tactics and Strategies 

by Bernie Barringer

Paperback: 224 pages

Publisher: Moving Mountain Publishing

Point: The author gives a wealth of information to help others know more about bear baiting (and hunting).

Path:  Bernie Barringer does a great job bringing the reader (even one with almost no knowledge of bear hunting or baiting- like myself), to a thorough understanding of some factors involved in baiting and hunting bears. The reader will learn more about understanding bears and their environment (I found an explanation of how bears use their senses very helpful), how to choose and prepare bait locations and what bait to use, and many other interesting and helpful things that would be involved in not only baiting but hunting bears.

There are many pictures used as a learning tool to explain concepts and help the reader to visualize specific aspects of baiting. The author includes many real life stories and examples that make the book easy to read and understand.

Although I do not have the ability to bait or hunt bears at this point in my life, I found the book very interesting and worth the read. If you are interested in baiting, hunting, or even being able to talk with someone who is interested in either of the two, I would recommend you pick this book up and read!

Stars: 5 out of 5

It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.

Moms and motherhood

A Mother

There are many facets to the concept of “mother.” A mother is not someone who has merely given birth to a child. In its most basic sense that individual is a mother. However, the biological action of giving birth to another does not make one a mother in its fullest sense. In the same way, the reality that a woman has not given birth to another does not necessarily exclude a woman from being a mother. Motherhood is not merely a biological link between two people. Motherhood is deeper than an action. It is a life.

Motherhood is a mentality of a woman who has invested her life in nourishing, mentoring, and sending another out on their own. A mother seeks to feed, not force; to model, not manipulate; to encourage, not control; to illuminate, not quench. Her goal is maturity, not infancy.

A mother gives up her desires and enjoyments in order to foster the development of others. Her hobbies change. Her dreams are modified. Her focus narrows. She thinks of others before herself.

It is sad that the term “mothering” is known by an aberration, rather than its intended purpose. In its proper sense, anyone should be honored to be “mothered” by a woman. To have a woman give her live in order to nourish, mentor, and send out another is love. It is a gift of God worthy of our note.

Many give birth but never mother. Many never give birth but give their lives mothering. I praise God for each of those who truly mother. I have had various women in my life who have mothered me in the fullest sense of the term. My birth mother is a true mother, one who God graciously gave to me. My mother-in-law who gives of herself, and gave her daughter to me. My grandmothers, one of whom became a mother of four by speaking the two words, “I Do.” They both have been godly mothers. There have been moms while living in foreign countries. A five foot Gloria Villalobos who loves her 6’4” white son as her own. There is Becky Carlton who opened her kitchen for cinnamon rolls and genuine care. I thank God for my wife, Crystal, who not only mothers our child, but has been a mother to many more. God gives godly woman to mother us, and then gives them His love so they might shower it upon us. I thank God for them.






