A Liturgy for leaving the gracious albergue

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

O caring Father, giver of all good gifts,
Thank you for the night you gave me.
I laid down and slept.
I awoke again, because you sustained me.

I was fed.
I was sheltered.
I was cared for.
I was given a clean bed.
I was given a kind word.
I was treated as one fashioned in your image.

I know that I do not deserve it.
I know that I cannot expect it.
Even your Son, the heir of all things, through whom you created the world. 
The radiance of your glory. 
The exact imprint of your nature. 
The one who upholds the universe by the word of his power,
He was refused entrance.
He had no place to lay his head.

But yet you, in your overwhelming grace and goodness,
Provided for me a host who saw my needs,
A sink to wash my face,
A meal to fill my stomach,
A bed to rest my body,
A rest to refresh my spirit.

O good Father, bless this place.
Pour out on my hosts your grace in excess of what they showered on me.
Give them strength to treat the next pilgrim as they treated me.
Give them eyes to see the need of the heart for those who enter tonight.
Give them hope to keep going when they are met with rudeness or hostility.
Give them love for you and others.
Give them peace.
Luke 2