Three Views On The New Testament Use Of The Old Testament

Three Views On The New Testament Use Of The Old Testament
by Kaiser, Bock, Enns edited by Gundry, Berding, Lunde
Product Details
Paperback: 243 pages
Publisher: Zondervan
Date Published: 2007

Point: The Old Testament is used heavily throughout the New Testament. How did the authors understand the texts they were using? This book addresses that question.
Path: By allowing three influential authors to present their view and challenge those of others, this book guides the reader to his own conclusions.
Kaiser – Single meaning, unified referents
Bock – Single meaning, multiple contexts and referents
Enns – Fuller meaning, single goal
Agreement: I would agree the most with Bock, am sympathetic toward Kaiser and his concerns, and see why Enns would be moving the direction he is.
Personal App: This is an incredibly helpful book with an exception introduction and conclusion by the editors.
Stars: 5 out of 5
It would be worth another read and I would recommend it.