This is a follow up from a previous post. Here is a recipe for tacacho taken from Yanuq. Tacacho is a great Peruvian dish originating in the jungle:
Ingredientes :
10 plátanos verdes – 10 Plantain bananas |
2 cucharadas de manteca – 2 tablespoons of shortening |
¼ de k (9 oz) de chicharrones – Pork pieces (Chicharrones include a lot more than that, but for simplicity sake…) |
Sal – Salt |
Preparar los chicharrones y desmenuzarlos un poco. Asar los plátanos pelados y cuando estén cocidos aplastarlos hasta formar una papilla.
Prepare your pork pieces. Grill the peeled bananas and when they are cooked, smash them to a pulp.
Mezclar la carne con los plátanos, agregar la manteca y sazonar con sal.
Mix the meat with the bananas, add the shortening and season with salt
Plato Típico de la Amazonía
Receta del libro Una Fiesta del Sabor, El Perú y sus Comidas, de Sara Beatriz Guardia
6 personas
We made it with our friend Matt the other day. Rainbow Food didn’t have normal Plantain Bananas, so we had to use the little ones.
Matt broke our smasher. Thanks Matt.
Adding the Pork pieces
(This isn’t our picture – below – but they looked similar)
When we ate it we added a fried egg on top of the final ball of banana.
I like it that way.
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