The Lord wants us to be hospitable, but it does not always turn out like we might like it to. I think that today was sort of one of those times. We had guests over for Sunday dinner, which is always interesting with Seth being a pastor and us having one car. That means that he is at church for a while after the services, and that I can’t go home early to get things going. We also had a meeting after the service, so that put us back a while as well. I generally do a majority of the meal in the crockpot for Sunday dinners (have I ever mentioned that I think that was one of the best inventions ever made?). So, other than being delayed in getting home, everything was going okay until…I was trying to check if the meat was done in the crockpot and the peas boiled over. Then, as we were trying to stop that and get the bread done in the toaster over, I realized that trying to put to many rolls in at one time does not work as I started smelling a very bad smell…smoke. I opened the toaster oven and realized that the rolls were actually on fire! We then had to try to get the rolls out so the fire could be taken care of. Then, because we have our table basically in our kitchen area, I needed to air it out so we could breathe while we ate. I had to open the door to the deck (in Minnesota, in January) to get some fresh air inside. Needless to say, Seth and I ate the very “well-done” rolls. I felt like I had been cooking over a camp fire. But, it was a good afternoon, because we were able to spend time with people from church and they could realize that we are very real people, just like everyone else!!