
Spain has impressive artists in its history. Individuals such as Picasso, Goya, and El Greco have invested incredible effort in speaking through art.

But there are other artists whose work is seen without buying a museum pass. Spain is full of graffiti. It can be much more than a four letter word scrawled on a boxcar. Much of it makes you scratch your head and ask, “Why would you spray paint over something with so much history?” Others make you think, “Wow!”

There are even some celebrity artists whose names appear on buildings and bridges for hundreds of kilometers around Madrid. The amount of effort put into scrawling their name on an underpass is impressive, albeit confusing. *How much time and money did you put into this?*

Some businesses have chose to hire a graffiti artist to paint their building, probably to keep other graffiti off of it (I guess graffitiing a graffiti is bad mojo?!?).

So I ask a question, “Is graffiti art?” Can it be art if it is destroying personal or public property? Is it art if it is commissioned? Is it only art if it is beautiful, or realistic, or grand?

And if it is art, what truth is it fit to communicate?

And if it communicates that message well, is there a way to appreciate the work and the message?
