We are done with finals for this semester! For some reason the relief isn’t nearly as great as I had imagined it would be. This may be so because of the large amount of reading and difficult paper that I still have yet to write.
The semester flew by! Crystal and I measured our weeks by the weekly trash day. We began counting how many trash days we had left until school was out (sad, I know, but you do anything to keep your hopes up). It seems like just yesterday we still had 4 Dump Days left, and today we are all done. I doubt we will count how many Rubbish Removals until we start school again, but I imagine that the days will move just as speedily.
We have learned quite a bit in the past few months. We have read thousands and thousands of pages, written many papers, sat through a plethora of classes, and heard countless lesson. My hope is that at least a small percentage of the good stuff will stick around long enough for me to use it!
Our ministry at Liberty Baptist Church has greatly facilitated our learning. God has used the church to challenge us and help us grow. We really enjoy the people, and I love hanging out with the teens (this is not to exclude the “teens” from the “people” group. Current debate is raging concerning the “peopleness” of teens. There are several studies going on as I write which hope to put the argument to rest, “are teens really people…” I prefer not to comment on this due to my job consisting of working with these, shall we say, “folk.”)
Well, I hope that the few of you out there reading this will have an enjoyable Christmas season. (and that if that lone Australian who has eyed this page reads this, “Good Day, Mate.”)