A Liturgy for walking in the cool of the morning 

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

Jesus, thank you for this refreshing hour.

The coolness of this day is such a gracious reprieve.
The heat and dust,
The sweat and grime,
The shooting pain and nagging frustration,
They are absent.

Instead it seems as though you have given this special place to me for this hour.
The trees hushed above.
The dew on the grass.
The song of the birds.
The laugh of the stream. 
The steady movement toward my goal.

Even my own body seems to know this moment is different.
My aches of yesterday are quiet right now.
The weight of my pack is present, but not obtrusive.
My sore feet know that they are doing exactly what they were made to do.
I am tired, but content.

Thank you Jesus for this hour.

You have made it
As you have made all that I see and all that is beyond my sight. 
It is by your power that all things exist and hold together.
Even the heavens cannot hide their Creator behind their brilliance.
I am a mere babe.

Who am I to receive this hour?
Why would you give me this special moment?
You care for all creation, 
From the insects to the great beasts,
From the soaring eagles to the simple plankton,
From the depths to the heights,
From the east to the west,
But yet you have set your thoughts on me.

Oh Jesus, you are majestic over all.⁠
Psalm 8

A Liturgy for leaving an inhospitable place of rest

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

If I were James or John, I would call down fire on this place.
No one should be treated in this way.

I am angry.
I am confused.
I am discouraged.

Jesus, I don’t know what happened.
Was it me?
Was it some unknown argument moments before I arrived?
Was it a hurt or injury from years ago?
I am lost.

Oh Jesus, you know the sting of rejection.
You know the feeling of being pushed out into the night.
You know the sound of the slam of the door,
The click of the lock,
The fading footsteps,

Now I have felt it.
I was weary and hoped for rest,
But I found resistance.
I was hungry and hoped for nourishment,
But I found crumbs.
I was alone and hoped for friendship,
But I found I was only an inconvenience.

Jesus, you know.
You know whether this was for me to learn,
To see a fault and need within me that must be addressed.
If so, please reveal that deficiency within me.

Jesus, you know.
You know whether this was for me to yearn,
To increase my desire for the good country, my true home, your presence.
If so, please heighten that longing within me.

Jesus, you know.
You know whether this was to soften the ache of pain,
To use our interaction to ease a stabbing word or act of which I was no part.
If so, please reveal yourself and so soothe their pain.

Jesus you know.
You know whether this was in your redemptive plan
To use me as a mirror to a heart that you are seeking to mend.
If so, please do your tireless and perfect work in them.

Jesus you know.
You know whether this was another act to confirm a hardened heart
To use another pilgrim as proof of the depravity of a heart turned inward on itself.
If so, please break the heart of stone.

Jesus you know.

I cannot call down fire, for I too may be consumed.
Oh Jesus, have mercy.
Luke 9:51-56

A Liturgy for leaving the gracious albergue

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

O caring Father, giver of all good gifts,
Thank you for the night you gave me.
I laid down and slept.
I awoke again, because you sustained me.

I was fed.
I was sheltered.
I was cared for.
I was given a clean bed.
I was given a kind word.
I was treated as one fashioned in your image.

I know that I do not deserve it.
I know that I cannot expect it.
Even your Son, the heir of all things, through whom you created the world. 
The radiance of your glory. 
The exact imprint of your nature. 
The one who upholds the universe by the word of his power,
He was refused entrance.
He had no place to lay his head.

But yet you, in your overwhelming grace and goodness,
Provided for me a host who saw my needs,
A sink to wash my face,
A meal to fill my stomach,
A bed to rest my body,
A rest to refresh my spirit.

O good Father, bless this place.
Pour out on my hosts your grace in excess of what they showered on me.
Give them strength to treat the next pilgrim as they treated me.
Give them eyes to see the need of the heart for those who enter tonight.
Give them hope to keep going when they are met with rudeness or hostility.
Give them love for you and others.
Give them peace.
Luke 2

A Liturgy for the first tired steps

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

My God. My King. My Savior.
May these labored, yet deliberate steps mirror my inward journey.
One more step toward faith.
One more step toward hope.
One more step toward love.
One more step toward you, Jesus.
1 Corinthians 13

Walking the Ruta del Padre Sarmiento (Day 2)

We started checking off segments of a 200 km hike which traces the coastline of the region of Pontevedra. It has been a very unique experience with a variety of terrain and some beautiful views! This segment took us from Sanxenxo to the beaches of O Grove.

If you missed it, you can watch the first segment here.

You can watch the second segment here.

For some comparison

Minnesota is approximately 128,119.9 sq miles in size, while Spain is approximately 313,7925 sq miles in size. This makes Spain about 2.5 times larger than Minnesota.

In population, however, Spain is much larger. Minnesota has approximately 5.3 million people, whereas Spain has 47.2 million people.

*The snapshots and information were taken from mylifeelsewhere.com

A Liturgy for packing

The following was taken from the resource we have compiled for pilgrims on the Camino De Santiago. You can get a free digital copy here. Downloading and giving your feedback helps us to spread the word.

I have too much, Jesus.
I have too much.

You who had nothing extra.
You who gave it all away.
You must laugh at my idea of simplicity.

But you also know me. 
You know my home and bedroom,
My closets and cupboards.
You know all the possessions I cannot even remember.
You know that this pack, 
Bulging as it is,
Is a big change for me.

But I still have too much.

I carry so many things “just in case.”
I fear that I might need them tomorrow.
I wonder if I will be uncomfortable,
In need.

I am not as trusting as a sparrow for my next meal.
I am not as confident as the lily for my daily clothing.
You reminded us that your Father provides for them.
And that he would provide for us.
But I still wonder.

I still fear the “what if” of today.
I worry about tomorrow.
And those thoughts are a burden.
I carry them every day.

O loving Jesus,
Give me eyes to see 
And ears to hear.
Give me faith to live today 
Unencumbered by the risks of tomorrow.

I have too much, Jesus.
I have too much.⁠
Matthew 6:25-34